Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Good afternoon!  Or, good middle-of-the-night to you all back in the States.

Now before I get into this post, this is what was waiting for me when I returned from this last road trip.

An Australian cockroach. 
I named him, Cockroach.  Then I brutally killed him and hung his body on display for all his other friends to see.

Below is a video that my roommate Ben Macey made a while ago with a few of his mates.  (He's the tall one with the monks outfit on, and with the long hair that's put into pigtails.)  It's a pretty interesting video, and might make you laugh, or be worried.  Either way, I think I'll enjoy staying with him for a little while, he's a pretty laid back guy.  Plus you get to see where I'm staying without some lame tour video.

Now click on the next word -> VIDEO.  And when your done watching, click the back button on your internet browser.  :)

Moving on...

Ben thought it was imperative that i learned how to play cricket.  So we went over to the nets. (batting cages)

Ben bowling to his friend while I played wicket keeper.
I tried hitting, but it freaked me out that he threw the ball at me...
They call this football...But it's not. 

Ben jamming out after our cricket session.

Laundry time.  I put up the clothes lines and I am pretty proud of them.

I tried to put a funny video on here, but it was trying to upload for 30 I'll have to figure something out.

 We have our first home series this weekend.  So I will update you on what the field looked like before as a cricket oval, and after, as a baseball field.  Not sure if were going to play though, because it's been raining for over 30 hours straight now, no joke...and it's not looking like it's going to slow up. 

Hope all is well.


1 comment:

  1. ok now I am concerned about your room mate situation. YIKES. I love the blog. Your mutha
