Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Well we just got back from my first road trip, and it was a fun one. We lost 4 games and won 1, so that wasn't the best, but I had a good time otherwise. It's pretty cool to play with the guys over here, because they have been playing together since they were in grade school (primary school) so they are like a family, and really play the game to win. It's a lot different than playing pro ball in the states, where everyone is out for themselves. This atmosphere here is more like college ball, where your one goal is to win a championship, so it's different, but good!

Example; On Saturday, we lost a game, so I picked up my glove and started walking from the bullpen to the clubhouse, I got showered, grabbed some food and left, it was just another day at work… then I waited alone by the vans for almost an hour...  I found out that after we lost the game, all the Australians sat there and reflected on the game. On what they could have done to win, and were hanging out talking with each other like a family. They were honestly hurt that the team didn't win, and they weren't in any hurry to leave the ballpark.  So I kinda felt bad for not being around after the game. But then again, i found it funny that they took it so seriously. That's when I realized that this game is more than just a job to these guys, they have the passion that I had a long time ago. 

They love the game, and I play it to try and achieve a dream, and a paycheck…

Here are some pics of my trip to Sydney:

Brisbane Bandits getting ready to take off at the airport

The field


Long, scary tunnel to get to downtown Sydney

Sydney has a nice field, like some minor league parks back home

California is that way....somewhere

Chambers, Maestri, and I at the Opera House

Famous Bridge that I don't know the name of. :)

Colorado Yacht

Sydney's Landmarks

We had a rainout.

Whats wrong with this picture??

It was a fun road trip. Got to know some of the guys, and had a reality check on why I play this game called baseball.

We are back in Brisbane for a few weeks now, so I will get to fill you in on my life here!

I miss you all!!


  1. Your such a good blogger, tall tan man :)

  2. yep, re-evaluate why you are playing baseball. I want you to be a Godly example of a man in sports for children. They need a role model.

  3. Maybe this is what God had in mind for you... to remind you of the passion you used to play for and that the paycheck and dream will come if you are focusing on something different. ;)
